Thursday, May 11, 2006

Follow the Leader

Well, since some of my friends have decided to become Xanga traitors I figured I would also try out blogspot. We'll see if my new blog has more visitors.

This week is offically the last week of the spring semester at UTA. I have finished my internship and my final paper. Tomorrow is graduation but I have decided not to walk because I really only care about the diploma. I wonder how long it takes UTA to mail you your diploma?

The last week of May I will finally be able to switch back to a normal 5 day work week instead of this 4 ten hour day thing I have been working since August. It's just in time because I don't think I can stand the whole starting work at 7am anymore.

Hope everyone has a good Day!


At 9:21 AM, Blogger T said...

I've got a blog too

At 9:39 AM, Blogger K said...

Congrats on the graduating! I slept in on the morning of mine. Best sleep ever! =) No clue on how long the diploma takes, I picked mine up. Nice to see on the blogger. =)

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

See, already you have more responses and Xanga is down today anyway.

Getting to work at 7:00a....?? Ha ! ;)


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